vulcanai.plotters package

vulcanai.plotters.utils module

Contains all visualization utilities.

class vulcanai.plotters.utils.GuidedBackprop(network)

Bases: object

Generate gradients with guided back propagation w.r.t given input.

Modified from Insert backward hooks for activations to propagate positive gradients.

network : BaseNetwork
Network to conduct guided backprop on.
gradients : list of numpy.ndarray
Gradients of top most layer w.r.t the input sample.

Set up hooks for activations and gradient retrieval.

generate_gradients(input_data, targets)

Compute guided backprop gradients and returns top layer gradients.

input_data : numpy.ndarray or torch.Tensor
2D for DenseNet, 4D (for 2D images) or 5D (for 3D images) Tensor.
targets : numpy.ndarray or torch.LongTensor
1D list of class labels
gradients : list of numpy.ndarray
Gradient list of numpy array with same shape as inputs.
vulcanai.plotters.utils.get_notable_indices(feature_importances, top_k=5)

Return dict of top k and bottom k features useful from matrix.

feature_importances: numpy.ndarray
1D numpy array to extract the top of bottom indices.
top_k : int
How many features from top and bottom to extract. Defaults to 5.
notable_indices : dict
Indices of the top most important features. Indices of the bottom mos unimportant features.

vulcanai.plotters.visualization module

Contains all visualization methods.

vulcanai.plotters.visualization.compute_saliency_map(network, input_data, targets)

Return the saliency map using the guided backpropagation method [1].

[1]: Springgenberg, J.T., Dosovitskiy, A., Brox, T., Riedmiller, M. (2015).
Striving for Simplicity: The All Convolutional Net. ICLR 2015 (
network : BaseNetwork
A network to get saliency maps on.
input_data : numpy.ndarray
Input array of shape (batch, channel, width, height) or (batch, channel, width, height, depth).
targets : numpy.ndarray
1D array with class targets of size [batch].
saliency_map : list of numpy.ndarray
Top layer gradients of the same shape as input data.
vulcanai.plotters.visualization.display_confusion_matrix(cm, class_list=None, save_path=None)

Print and plot the confusion matrix.

inspired from:

cm : numpy.ndarray
2D confustion_matrix obtained using utils.get_confusion_matrix
class_list : list
Actual class labels (e.g.: MNIST - [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
save_path : String
String that designates the path to save figure to be produced.
vulcanai.plotters.visualization.display_pca(input_data, targets, label_map=None, save_path=None)

Calculate pca reduction and plot it.

input_data : numpy.dnarray
Input data to reduce in dimensions.
targets : numpy.ndarray
size (batch, labels) for samples.
label_map : dict
labelled {str(int), string} key, value pairs.
save_path : String
String that designates the path to save figure to be produced.
vulcanai.plotters.visualization.display_receptive_fields(network, top_k=5, save_path=None)

Display receptive fields of layers from a network [1].

[1]: Luo, W., Li, Y., Urtason, R., Zemel, R. (2016).
Understanding the Effective Receptive Field in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 29 (NIPS 2016)
network : BaseNetwork
Network to get receptive fields of.
top_k : int
To return the most and least k important features from field
save_path : String
String that designates the path to save figure to be produced.
k_features: dict
A dict of the top k and bottom k important features.
vulcanai.plotters.visualization.display_record(record=None, save_path=None, interactive=True)

Display the training curve for a network training session.

record : dict
the network record dictionary for dynamic graphs during training.
save_path : String
String that designates the path to save figure to be produced. Save_path must be a proper path that ends with a filename with an image filetype.
interactive : boolean
To display during training or afterwards.
vulcanai.plotters.visualization.display_saliency_overlay(image, saliency_map, shape=(28, 28), save_path=None)

Plot overlay saliency map over image.

image : numpy.ndarray
(1D, 2D, 3D) for single image or linear output.
saliency_map: numpy.ndarray
(1D, 2D, 3D) for single image or linear output.
shape : tuple, list
The dimensions of the image. Defaults to mnist.
save_path : String
String that designates the path to save figure to be produced.
vulcanai.plotters.visualization.display_tsne(input_data, targets, label_map=None, save_path=None)

t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) visualization [1].

[1]: Maaten, L., Hinton, G. (2008). Visualizing Data using t-SNE.
JMLR 9(Nov):2579–2605.
input_data : numpy.dnarray
Input data to reduce in dimensions.
targets : numpy.ndarray
size (batch, labels) for samples.
label_map : dict
labelled {str(int), string} key, value pairs.
save_path : String
String that designates the path to save figure to be produced.
vulcanai.plotters.visualization.get_save_path(path, vis_type)

Return a save_path string.

vulcanai.plotters.visualization.save_visualization(plot, path=None)

Save plot at designated path.

plot : matplotlib
Matplotlib variable with savefig ability.
path : string
String that designates the path to save the given figure to.