vulcanai.models package

vulcanai.models.basenetwork module

Defines the basenetwork class.

class vulcanai.models.basenetwork.BaseNetwork(name, config, in_dim=None, save_path=None, input_networks=None, num_classes=None, activation=ReLU(), pred_activation=None, optim_spec={'lr': 0.001, 'name': 'Adam'}, lr_scheduler=None, early_stopping=None, early_stopping_patience=None, early_stopping_metric='accuracy', criter_spec=CrossEntropyLoss(), device='cuda:0')

Bases: torch.nn.modules.module.Module

Defines the BaseNetwork object.

name : str
The name of the network. Used when saving the file.
config : dict
The configuration of the network module, as a dict.
in_dim : tuple
The input dimensions of the network. Not required to specify when the network has input_networks.
save_path : str
The name of the file to which you would like to save this network.
input_networks : list of BaseNetwork
A network object provided as input.
num_classes : int or None
The number of classes to predict. In the binary case always specify 2 classes no matter the shape of the data. A value of 1 is used for predicting a single continuous value.
activation : torch.nn.Module
The desired activation function for use in the network.
pred_activation : torch.nn.Module
The desired activation function for use in the prediction layer.
optim_spec : dict
A dictionary of parameters for the desired optimizer.
lr_scheduler : torch.optim.lr_scheduler
A callable torch.optim.lr_scheduler
early_stopping : str or None
So far just ‘best_validation_error’ is implemented.
early_stopping_patience: integer
Number of validation iterations of decreasing loss (note -not necessarily every epoch! before early stopping is applied.
early_stopping_metric: string
Either “loss” or “accuracy” are implemented.
criter_spec : dict
criterion specification with name and all its parameters.
device : str or torch.device
Sets the network module to the relevant device. If cuda available in the host console, “cuda:0” will be run which can be overriden.
network : BaseNetwork
class EarlyStopping(patience=2, verbose=False)

Bases: object

Early stops the training if validation loss doesn’t improve after a given number of epochs. Args:

patience: int default 7
How many epochs to wait after last time validation loss improved.
verbose: bool default False
If True, prints a message for each validation loss improvement.
__init__(patience=2, verbose=False)

Initialize early stopping

save_checkpoint(val_loss, model)

Saves model when validation loss decrease.

__init__(name, config, in_dim=None, save_path=None, input_networks=None, num_classes=None, activation=ReLU(), pred_activation=None, optim_spec={'lr': 0.001, 'name': 'Adam'}, lr_scheduler=None, early_stopping=None, early_stopping_patience=None, early_stopping_metric='accuracy', criter_spec=CrossEntropyLoss(), device='cuda:0')

Define, initialize, and build the BaseNetwork.


Will check if all incoming networks are on the same device.

Raises specific error about which device the networks need to be re-assigned to.

Specific for when calling fit becuase of grad calculation across several devices not compatible with optimizer. Temporary until replaced with nn.DataParallel or better multi-gpu implmentation.

comparison_device : str or torch.device
The device to compare current device to.
bootfold_p_estimate(data_loader, n_samples, k, epochs, index_to_iter, ls_feat_vals, retain_graph=None, valid_interv=4, plot=False, save_path=None, p_output_path=None, **kwargs)

Performs bootfold - estimation to identify whether training model provides statistically significant difference in predicting various values for a given feature when predicting outcome.

data_loader :
The DataLoader object containing the totality of the data to use for k-fold cross validation.
n_samples : int
number of times to randomly sample w/ replacement the data_loader and perform boot_cv
k : int
The number of folds to split the training into.
epochs : int
The number of epochs to train the network per fold.
index_to_iter : string
Index of feature within data_loader who’s values will be iterated to assess difference.
ls_feat_vals : list
List of values for feature provided in feat_to_iter
retain_graph: boolean
Whether or not to retain the computation graph.
valid_interv : int
Specifies after how many epochs validation should occur.
plot : boolean
Whether or not to plot all results in prompt and charts.
save_path : str
Where to save all figures and results.
p_output_path: str
Output file to save p_value to
kwargs: dict of keyworded parameters
Values passed to transform callable (function parameters)
p_value : float

Return the criterion specification.

_criter_spec : dict
The criterion specification.
cross_validate(data_loader, k, epochs, average_results=True, retain_graph=None, valid_interv=4, plot=False, save_path=None, transform_callable=None, **kwargs)

Perform k-fold cross validation given a Network and DataLoader object.

data_loader :
The DataLoader object containing the totality of the data to use for k-fold cross validation.
k : int
The number of folds to split the training into.
epochs : int
The number of epochs to train the network per fold.
average_results : boolean
Whether or not to return results from all folds or just an average.
retain_graph : {None, boolean}
Whether retain_graph will be true when .backwards is called.
valid_interv : int
Specifies after how many epochs validation should occur.
plot : boolean
Whether or not to plot all results in prompt and charts.
save_path : str
Where to save all figures and results.
transform_callable: callable
A torch function. e.g. torch.round()
kwargs: dict of keyworded parameters
Values passed to transform callable (function parameters)
results : dict
If average_results is on, return dict of floats. If average_results is off, return dict of float lists.

Return the relevant device associalted with network module.

device : torch.device
Relevant device associalted with the network module.

Return the stopping rule.

stopping_rule : str
The stoping rule

Return the early stopping netric.

early_stopping_metric : string
The early stopping metric

Return the early stopping patience.

early_stopping_patience : int
The early stopping patience

Set the extra representation of the module.

fit(train_loader, val_loader, epochs, retain_graph=None, valid_interv=4, plot=False, save_path=None)

Train the network on the provided data.

train_loader : DataLoader
The DataLoader object containing the training data.
val_loader : DataLoader
The DataLoader object containing the validation data.
epochs : int
The number of epochs to train for.
retain_graph : {None, True, False}
Whether retain_graph will be true when .backwards is called.
valid_interv : int
Specifies the period of epochs before validation calculation.
plot : boolean
Whether or not to plot training metrics in real-time.
save_path : str
Path to save graphics at
forward(inputs, **kwargs)

Perform a forward pass through the modules.

If the network is defined with num_classes then it contains a classification layer/network tail. The inputs will be passed through the networks and then through the classifier. If not, the input is passed through the network and returned without passing through a classification layer.

If nn.CrossEntropyLoss is used, the values will not have been passed though a softmax function and this therefore must be done manually.

inputs : list(torch.Tensor)
The inputs to pass throught the network.
output : torch.Tensor
forward_pass(data_loader, transform_callable=None, **kwargs)

Allows the user to pass data through the network with the autograd engine deactivated. Passes data through a final_transform if it is needed (e.g. if CrossEntropyLoss was used and values are therefore not passed through a final layer softmax). Takes a dataloader as input instead of a single tensor. More efficient than calling forward for inference. Parameters:

data_loader : DataLoader
DataLoader object to make the pass with.
transform_callable: callable
A torch function. e.g. torch.round() used to transform the outputs before they are passed to some scoring function.
kwargs: dict of keyworded parameters
Values passed to transform callable (function parameters)
outputs : numpy.ndarray
Numpy matrix with the output. Same shape as network out_dim.

Freeze network weights so training doesn’t modify them.

apply_inputs : boolean
Whether to freeze all input networks recursively

Return an ordered dict of all modules in this network (layers).

layers : OrderedDict()

Return a dictionary containing a whole state of the module.

weights : dict
A dictionary containing a whole state of the module.

Return boolean about whether the network is on cuda device (i.e gpu).

is_cuda : boolean
Specifies whether the network is on gpu or not.
classmethod load_model(load_path, load_complete_model_stack=True)

Load the model from the given directory.

load_path : str
The load directory (not a file)
load_complete_model_stack : boolean
Whether to load all parent networks as well. Not yet implemented.
network : BaseNetwork
A network object with all components intact.

Return the network lr_scheduler.

lr_scheduler : torch.optim.lr_scheduler

Return the name.

name : string
The name of the network.
run_test(data_loader, plot=False, save_path=None, pos_label=1, transform_callable=None, **kwargs)

Will conduct the test suite to determine network strength. Using metrics.run_test

data_loader : DataLoader
A DataLoader object to run the test with.
save_path : string
Folder to place images in.
plot: bool
Determine if graphs should be plotted in real time.
pos_label: int
The label that is positive in the binary case for macro calculations.
transform_callable: callable
A torch function. e.g. torch.round()
kwargs: dict of keyworded parameters
Values passed to transform callable (function parameters)
results : dict

Save the model (and it’s input networks).

save_path : str
The save directory (not a file)
save_path : str
The save path where you’ll find the model directly.

Return the save path of the network.

save_path : string
The save path of the network.

Unfreeze network weights so training does modify them.

apply_inputs : boolean
Whether to unfreeze all input networks recursively

vulcanai.models.cnn module

Defines the ConvNet class.

class vulcanai.models.cnn.ConvNet(name, config, in_dim=None, save_path=None, input_networks=None, num_classes=None, activation=ReLU(), pred_activation=None, optim_spec={'lr': 0.001, 'name': 'Adam'}, lr_scheduler=None, early_stopping=None, early_stopping_patience=None, early_stopping_metric='accuracy', criter_spec=CrossEntropyLoss(), device='cuda:0')

Bases: vulcanai.models.basenetwork.BaseNetwork

Subclass of BaseNetwork defining a ConvNet.

name : str
The name of the network. Used when saving the file.
config : dict
The configuration of the network module, as a dict.
in_dim : tuple
The input dimensions of the network. Not required to specify when the network has input_networks.
save_path : str
The name of the file to which you would like to save this network.
input_networks : list of BaseNetwork
A network object provided as input.
num_classes : int or None
The number of classes to predict.
activation : torch.nn.Module
The desired activation function for use in the network.
pred_activation : torch.nn.Module
The desired activation function for use in the prediction layer.
optim_spec : dict
A dictionary of parameters for the desired optimizer.
lr_scheduler : torch.optim.lr_scheduler
A callable torch.optim.lr_scheduler
early_stopping : str or None
So far just ‘best_validation_error’ is implemented.
early_stopping_patience: integer
Number of validation iterations of decreasing loss (note -not necessarily every epoch! before early stopping is applied.
early_stopping_metric: string
Either “loss” or “accuracy” are implemented.
criter_spec : dict
criterion specification with name and all its parameters.
network : ConvNet
A network of type BaseNetwork.
__init__(name, config, in_dim=None, save_path=None, input_networks=None, num_classes=None, activation=ReLU(), pred_activation=None, optim_spec={'lr': 0.001, 'name': 'Adam'}, lr_scheduler=None, early_stopping=None, early_stopping_patience=None, early_stopping_metric='accuracy', criter_spec=CrossEntropyLoss(), device='cuda:0')

Define the ConvNet object.

class vulcanai.models.cnn.ConvNetConfig(raw_config)

Bases: object

Define the necessary configuration for a ConvNet.


Take in user config dict and clean it up.

Cleaned units is stored in self.units

raw_config : dict of dict
User specified dict

vulcanai.models.dnn module

Defines the DenseNet class.

class vulcanai.models.dnn.DenseNet(name, config, in_dim=None, save_path=None, input_networks=None, num_classes=None, activation=ReLU(), pred_activation=None, optim_spec={'lr': 0.001, 'name': 'Adam'}, lr_scheduler=None, early_stopping=None, early_stopping_patience=None, early_stopping_metric='accuracy', criter_spec=CrossEntropyLoss(), device='cuda:0')

Bases: vulcanai.models.basenetwork.BaseNetwork

Subclass of BaseNetwork defining a DenseNet.

name : str
The name of the network. Used when saving the file.
config : dict
The configuration of the network module, as a dict.
in_dim : tuple
The input dimensions of the network. Not required to specify when the network has input_networks.
save_path : str
The name of the file to which you would like to save this network.
input_networks : list of BaseNetwork
A network object provided as input.
num_classes : int or None
The number of classes to predict.
activation : torch.nn.Module
The desired activation function for use in the network.
pred_activation : torch.nn.Module
The desired activation function for use in the prediction layer.
optim_spec : dict
A dictionary of parameters for the desired optimizer.
lr_scheduler : torch.optim.lr_scheduler
A callable torch.optim.lr_scheduler
early_stopping : str or None
So far just ‘best_validation_error’ is implemented.
early_stopping_patience: integer
Number of validation iterations of decreasing loss (note -not necessarily every epoch! before early stopping is applied.
early_stopping_metric: string
Either “loss” or “accuracy” are implemented.
criter_spec : dict
criterion specification with name and all its parameters.
network : DenseNet
A network of type BaseNetwork.
__init__(name, config, in_dim=None, save_path=None, input_networks=None, num_classes=None, activation=ReLU(), pred_activation=None, optim_spec={'lr': 0.001, 'name': 'Adam'}, lr_scheduler=None, early_stopping=None, early_stopping_patience=None, early_stopping_metric='accuracy', criter_spec=CrossEntropyLoss(), device='cuda:0')

Define the DenseNet object.

class vulcanai.models.dnn.DenseNetConfig(raw_config)

Bases: object

Defines the necessary configuration for a DenseNet.


Take in user config dict and clean it up.

Cleaned units is stored in self.units

raw_config : dict of dict
User specified dict

vulcanai.models.ensemble module

Contains all ensemble models.

class vulcanai.models.ensemble.SnapshotNet(name, template_network, n_snapshots=3)

Bases: vulcanai.models.basenetwork.BaseNetwork

Initialize snapshot ensemble given a template network.

A wrapper class for any Network inheriting from BaseNetwork to train the template network using Snapshot Ensembling.

name : str
String of snapshot ensemble name.
template_network : BaseNetwork
Network object which you want to ensemble.
n_snapshots : int
Number of snapshots in ensemble.
network : SnapshotNet
__init__(name, template_network, n_snapshots=3)

Use Network to build model snapshots.

fit(train_loader, val_loader, epochs, retain_graph=None, valid_interv=4, plot=False)

Train each model for T/M epochs and controls network learning rate.

Collects each model in a class variable

train_loader : DataLoader
Input data and targets to train against
val_loader : DataLoader
Input data and targets to validate against
epochs : int
Total number of epochs (evenly distributed between snapshots)
forward(inputs, **kwargs)

Snapshot forward function.

Collect outputs of all internal networks and average outputs.

inputs : torch.Tensor
Input tensor to pass through self.
output : torch.Tensor

Save all ensembled network in a folder with ensemble name.

save_path : str
The folder path to save models in.

vulcanai.models.layers module

Define the ConvUnit and DenseUnit.

class vulcanai.models.layers.BaseUnit(weight_init=None, bias_init=None, norm=None, dropout=None)

Bases: torch.nn.modules.container.Sequential

The base class for all layers.

weight_init : torch.nn.init
Torch initialization function for weights.
bias_init : int or float
A constant int or float to initialize biases with.
norm : str
‘batch’ for batch norm of ‘instance’ for instance norm.
dropout : float between 0-1
The probability of dropping out a feature during training.
dense_unit : torch.nn.Sequential
A single fully connected layer.
__init__(weight_init=None, bias_init=None, norm=None, dropout=None)

Initialize a base unit.

class vulcanai.models.layers.ConvUnit(conv_dim, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, weight_init=None, bias_init=None, stride=1, padding=0, norm=None, activation=None, pool_size=None, dropout=None)

Bases: vulcanai.models.layers.BaseUnit

Define the ConvUnit object.

conv_dim : int
1, 2, or 3 representing spatial dimensional inputs.
in_channels : int
The number of incoming channels.
out_channels : int
The number of convolution kernels for this layer.
kernel_size : int or tuple
The size of the 1, 2, or 3 dimensional convolution kernel.
weight_init : torch.nn.init
Torch initialization function.
bias_init : int or float
A constant int or float to initialize biases with.
stride : int or tuple
The stride of the 1, 2, or 3 dimensional convolution kernel.
padding : int
Number of zero-padding on both sides per dimension.
norm : str
‘batch’ for batch norm of ‘instance’ for instance norm.
activation : torch.nn.Module
An activation function to apply after Linear unit.
pool_size : int
Max pooling by a factor of pool_size in each dimension.
dropout : float between 0-1
The probability of dropping out a feature during training.
conv_unit : torch.nn.Sequential
A single convolution layer.
__init__(conv_dim, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, weight_init=None, bias_init=None, stride=1, padding=0, norm=None, activation=None, pool_size=None, dropout=None)

Initialize a single ConvUnit (i.e. a conv layer).


Calculate the size of the flattened features after conv.

class vulcanai.models.layers.DenseUnit(in_features, out_features, weight_init=None, bias_init=None, norm=None, activation=None, dropout=None)

Bases: vulcanai.models.layers.BaseUnit

Define the DenseUnit object.

in_features : int
The incoming feature size of a sample.
out_features : int
The number of hidden Linear units for this layer.
weight_init : torch.nn.init
Torch initialization function.
bias_init : int or float
A constant int or float to initialize biases with.
norm : str
‘batch’ for batch norm of ‘instance’ for instance norm.
activation : torch.nn.Module
An activation function to apply after Linear unit.
dropout : float between 0-1
The probability of dropping out a feature during training.
dense_unit : torch.nn.Sequential
A single fully connected layer.
__init__(in_features, out_features, weight_init=None, bias_init=None, norm=None, activation=None, dropout=None)

Initialize a single DenseUnit (i.e. a dense layer).

class vulcanai.models.layers.FlattenUnit

Bases: vulcanai.models.layers.BaseUnit

Layer to flatten the input.

flatten_unit : torch.Sequential
A flatten layer.

Initialize flatten layer.


Maintain batch size but flatten all remaining dimensions.

vulcanai.models.metrics module

Defines the network test suite.

class vulcanai.models.metrics.Metrics

Bases: object

A class to calculate all metrics for a BaseNetwork.

Responsible for the test suite.


Initialize the metrics class for a BaseNetwork.

static bootfold_p_estimate(network, data_loader, n_samples, k, epochs, index_to_iter, ls_feat_vals, retain_graph=None, valid_interv=4, plot=False, save_path=None, **kwargs)

Performs bootfold - estimation to identify whether training model provides statistically significant difference in predicting various values for a given feature when predicting outcome.

network : BaseNetwork
Network descendant of BaseNetwork.
data_loader :
The DataLoader object containing the totality of the data to use for k-fold cross validation.
n_samples : int
number of times to randomly sample w/ replacement the data_loader and perform boot_cv
k : int
The number of folds to split the training into.
epochs : int
The number of epochs to train the network per fold.
index_to_iter : string
Name of feature within data_loader who’s values will be iterated to assess difference
ls_feat_vals : list
List of values for feature provided in index_to_iter
retain_graph : {None, boolean}
Whether retain_graph will be true when .backwards is called.
valid_interv : int
Specifies after how many epochs validation should occur.
plot : boolean
Whether or not to plot all results in prompt and charts.
save_path : str
Where to save all figures and results.
kwargs: dict of keyworded parameters
Values passed to transform callable (function parameters)
p_value : float
static conduct_sensitivity_analysis(network, data_loader, filename, features=None, cutoff=20)

Will conduct tests to figure out directionality of features by finding all the unique feature values present in the dataset and setting the feature for all examples to every unique value of that feature.

network : BaseNetwork
Network descendant of BaseNetwork.
data_loader : DataLoader
A DataLoader object which contains all the data
filename: string
The name of the file to save the test results to
features: list
Feature names ordered as the data in the data_loader
cutoff: int
Maximum number of unique feature values for a particular feature that will be tested

dataframe characterizing the number of examples classified in the different classes when altering the input to constant feature values

static cross_validate(network, data_loader, k, epochs, average_results=True, retain_graph=None, valid_interv=4, plot=False, save_path=None, transform_callable=None, stratified=False, strata_column='class_label', **kwargs)

Perform k-fold cross validation given a Network and DataLoader object.

network : BaseNetwork
Network descendant of BaseNetwork.
data_loader :
The DataLoader object containing the totality of the data to use for k-fold cross validation.
k : int
The number of folds to split the training into.
epochs : int
The number of epochs to train the network per fold.
average_results : boolean
Whether or not to return results from all folds or just an average.
retain_graph : {None, boolean}
Whether retain_graph will be true when .backwards is called.
valid_interv : int
Specifies after how many epochs validation should occur.
plot : boolean
Whether or not to plot all results in prompt and charts.
save_path : str
Where to save all figures and results.
transform_callable: callable
A torch function. e.g. torch.round()
stratified: bool
Whether to stratify the dataset. Default false.
strata_column: string or int
Either “class_label” or integer index of column. Default “class_label”
kwargs: dict of keyworded parameters
Values passed to transform callable (function parameters)
results : dict
If average_results is on, return dict of floats. If average_results is off, return dict of float lists.
static get_accuracy(targets, predictions)

Calculate the accuracy.

targets: numpy.ndarray of integers
The target values.
predictions: numpy.ndarray of integers
The predicted values.
accuracy: array of np.float32
The accuracy.
static get_auc(targets, raw_predictions, num_classes, average=None, pos_label=1)

Calculate the AUC. Note: raw_predictions and num_classes are required.

targets: numpy.ndarray of integers
The target values.
raw_predictions: numpy.ndarray of floats
The raw predicted values, not converted to classes.
num_classes: int
The number of classes that will be predicted.
average: string
[None, ‘binary’ (def), ‘micro’, ‘macro’, ‘samples’, ‘weighted’] This parameter is required for multiclass/multilabel targets. If None, the scores for each class are returned. Otherwise, this determines the type of averaging performed on the data. See Scikit learn.
pos_label: int default 1
The index value that is positive when in the binary case
f1: np.float32 or array of np.float32
The AUC.
static get_confusion_matrix_values(targets, predictions)

Calculate the tp, tn, fp, fn values given targets and predictions.

targets: numpy.ndarray of integers
The target values.
predictions: numpy.ndarray of integers
The predicted values.
tp, tn, fp, fn: array of np.float32 with classes in sorted order
The true positive/negative, false positive/negative values.
static get_dice(targets, predictions, average=None, pos_label=1)

Calculate the dice metric.

targets: numpy.ndarray of integers
The target values.
predictions: numpy.ndarray of integers
The predicted values.
average: string
[None, ‘binary’ (def), ‘micro’, ‘macro’, ‘samples’, ‘weighted’] Only None, ‘binary’, and ‘macro’ currently implemented. This parameter is required for multiclass/multilabel targets. If None, the scores for each class are returned. Otherwise, this determines the type of averaging performed on the data. See Scikit learn.
pos_label: int
0 or 1. Only used in the binary case to indicate which class label will be used to provide the output for average=binary.
dice: np.float32 or array of np.float32
The dice metric.
static get_f1(targets, predictions, average=None, pos_label=1)

Calculate the f1 score.

targets: numpy.ndarray of integers
The target values
predictions: numpy.ndarray of integers
The predicted values
average: string
[None, ‘binary’ (def), ‘micro’, ‘macro’, ‘samples’, ‘weighted’] This parameter is required for multiclass/multilabel targets. If None, the scores for each class are returned. Otherwise, this determines the type of averaging performed on the data. See Scikit learn.
pos_label: int default 1:
The index value that is positive when in the binary case
f1: np.float32 or array of np.float32
The f1 score.
static get_mse(targets, raw_predictions)

Calculate the negative MSE.

Note: raw_predictions and num_classes are required. Negative values are returned so the value can be optimized.

targets: numpy.ndarray of integers
The target values.
raw_predictions: numpy.ndarray of floats
The raw predicted values, not converted to classes.
results: float
The MSE value
static get_npv(targets, predictions, average=None, pos_label=1)

Calculate the negative predictive value.

targets: numpy.ndarray of integers
The target values.
predictions: numpy.ndarray of integers
The predicted values.
average: string
[None, ‘binary’ (def), ‘micro’, ‘macro’, ‘samples’, ‘weighted’] Only None, ‘binary’, and ‘macro’ currently implemented. This parameter is required for multiclass/multilabel targets. If None, the scores for each class are returned. Otherwise, this determines the type of averaging performed on the data. See Scikit learn.
pos_label: int
0 or 1. Only used in the binary case to indicate which class label will be used to provide the output for average=binary.
npv: np.float32 or array of np.float32
The negative predictive value
static get_ppv(targets, predictions, average=None, pos_label=1)

Calculate the positive predictive value.

targets: numpy.ndarray of integers
The target values.
predictions: numpy.ndarray of integers
The predicted values.
average: string
[None, ‘binary’ (def), ‘micro’, ‘macro’, ‘samples’, ‘weighted’] Only None, ‘binary’, and ‘macro’ currently implemented. This parameter is required for multiclass/multilabel targets. If None, the scores for each class are returned. Otherwise, this determines the type of averaging performed on the data. See Scikit learn.
pos_label: int
0 or 1. Only used in the binary case to indicate which class label will be used to provide the output for average=binary.
ppv: float32 or array of np.float32
The positive predictive value.
static get_score(targets, predictions, metrics='accuracy', average=None, class_converted=False)

Calculate the provided metrics given some targets and predictions.

targets: numpy.ndarray of integers
The target values
predictions: numpy.ndarray of integers or numpy.ndarray of floats
The predicted values
metrics: list of strings
The strings definition the “get_”… functions to call
average: string,
[None, ‘binary’ (default), ‘micro’, ‘macro’, ‘samples’, ‘weighted’] This parameter is required for multiclass/multilabel targets. If None, the scores for each class are returned. Otherwise, this determines the type of averaging performed on the data. See scikit learn documentation for each metric.
class_converted: binary. default False
True: If raw_predictions have already been converted using transform_outputs False: If raw_predictions are used
metrics: dict
Values returned by the metric functions.
static get_sensitivity(targets, predictions, average=None, pos_label=1)

Calculate the sensitivity.

Also referred to as recall, or the true positive rate.

targets: numpy.ndarray of integers
The target values.
predictions: numpy.ndarray of integers
The predicted values.
average: string
[None, ‘binary’ (def), ‘micro’, ‘macro’, ‘samples’, ‘weighted’] This parameter is required for multiclass/multilabel targets. If None, the scores for each class are returned. Otherwise, this determines the type of averaging performed on the data. See Scikit learn.
pos_label: int
0 or 1. Only used in the binary case to indicate which class label will be used to provide the output for average=binary.
sensitivity: np.float32 or array of np.float32
The sensitivity.
static get_specificity(targets, predictions, average=None, pos_label=1)

Calculate the specificity.

targets: numpy.ndarray of integers
The target values.
predictions: numpy.ndarray of integers
The predicted values.
average: string
[None, ‘binary’ (def), ‘micro’, ‘macro’, ‘samples’, ‘weighted’] This parameter is required for multiclass/multilabel targets. If None, the scores for each class are returned. Otherwise, this determines the type of averaging performed on the data. See Scikit learn.
pos_label: int
0 or 1. Only used in the binary case to indicate which class label will be used to provide the output for average=binary.
specificity: np.float32 or array of np.float32
The specificity.
static run_test(network, data_loader, plot=False, save_path=None, pos_label=1, transform_callable=None, **kwargs)

Will conduct the test suite to determine network strength.

Calls either _run_test_single_continuous or _run_test_multi depending on the number of classes. _run_test_multi only works with raw one-hot encoded output values. Note that multi class multi outputs are not supported: values will either be converted to class values from one-hot encoding or be a single continuous value. However, values can be transformed after the forward pass using transform_callable.

network: nn.Module
The network
data_loader : DataLoader
A DataLoader object to run the test with.
save_path : string
Folder to place images in.
plot: bool
Determine if graphs should be plotted in real time.
pos_label: int
The label that is positive in the binary case for macro calculations.
transform_callable: callable
A torch function. e.g. torch.round()
kwargs: dict of keyworded parameters
Values passed to transform callable (function parameters)
results : dict
static stratified_split(dataset, k, strata_column='class_label')

Split data into k subsets evenly over the given strata_column Does not work for greater than 2-D data.

dataset : data.dataset
The dataset to be split.
k : int
The number of folds to split the training into.
strata_column: string or int
Either “class_label” or integer index of column. Default “class_label”
split_datasets : list A list of dataset objects split into k parts.
static transform_outputs(in_matrix)

Reformat output matrix.

If one-hot, truth matrix to be the classes in a 1D array.

Note: This does not handle multiple class prediction.

in_matrix : numpy.ndarray or torch.Tensor
One-hot matrix of shape [batch, num_classes].
class_list : numpy.ndarray of floats
1D class array.

vulcanai.models.utils module

Define utilities for all networks.


Reformat truth matrix to same size as the output of the dense network.

in_matrix : numpy.ndarray
The categorized 1D matrix
one_hot : numpy.ndarray
A one-hot matrix representing the categorized matrix
vulcanai.models.utils.master_device_setter(network, device=None)

Convert network and input_networks to specified device.

network : BaseNetwork
network to be converted to the specified device.
device : str or torch.device
the desired device
vulcanai.models.utils.network_summary(network, input_size=None)

Returns the summary of shapes of all layers in the network :return: OrderedDict of shape of each layer in the network

vulcanai.models.utils.pad(tensor, target_shape)

Pad incoming tensor to the size of target_shape.

tensor must have same spatial dimenison as the target_shape. Useful for combining various conv dimension outputs and to implement ‘same’ padding for conv operations.

tensor : torch.Tensor
Tensor to be padded
target_shape : np.array
Final padded tensor shape [*spatial_dimensions]
tensor : torch.Tensor
zero padded tensor with spatial dimension as target_shape

Print the entire model structure.

vulcanai.models.utils.round_list(raw_list, decimals=4)

Return the same list with each item rounded off.

raw_list : float list
float list to round.
decimals : int
How many decimal points to round to.
rounded_list : float list
The rounded list in the same shape as raw_list.
vulcanai.models.utils.selu_bias_init_(tensor, const=0.0)

SELU layer bias initialization function.

Function assigned to variable that will be called within _init_bias function to assign bias for selu.

tensor : torch.tensor
Bias tensor to be adjusted
const : float
Constant value to be assigned to tensor.
bias tensor with constant values.
vulcanai.models.utils.selu_weight_init_(tensor, mean=0.0)

SELU layer weight initialization function.

Function assigned to variable that will be called within _init_weights function to assign weights for selu.

tensor : torch.tensor
Weight tensor to be adjusted
mean : float
Mean value for the normal distribution
weight tensor with normal distribution
vulcanai.models.utils.set_tensor_device(data, device=None)

Convert list of data tensors to specified device.

data : torch.tensor or list
data to be converted to the specified device.
device : str or torch.device
the desired device
data : torch.tensor or list
data converted to the specified device